Mar 31, 2014

Satanic Mark of the Beast

This is the third part of the Freeman presentation I've been posting.  Follow the link to any of these to see them all.  Good stuff.


What is on the Dark Side of the Tree of Life? How does this relate to popular culture? What do Satanist say is The Mark of the Beast? Part 3 of Freeman at Free Your Mind 2

Get the DVD - Aliens From Hell

This is the fourth part of the presentation:

The Dark Side of Life

 More on the cultural programming of the human mind to make it more "antichrist/beast friendly".  And that's just the beginning....

Is your TV demon possessed? Katy Perry tells your children to bring ET spirits into their souls. What messages and movies have we sent to extraterrestrials?
Part 4 of Freeman at Free Your Mind 2

Get the DVD - Aliens From Hell