Jun 17, 2014

3D Bioprinters Could Make Enhanced, Electricity-Generating 'Superorgans'

We rely on prophecies like Joel 2:1-9 and Isaiah 13:3 to warn us of "supersoldiers" coming in the last days.  In the Septuagint version of Is. 13:3, (the Septuagint is the version of scriptures that Jesus and the disciples used) "sanctified ones" are listed as "giants".  Joel 2 talks about the "terrible ones", something like cyborg soldiers highly weaponized and thoroughly terrifying.  These transhumanist articles are preparing the way for the coming of these supersoldiers.

Bioprinting technology is advancing so quickly that some scientists believe 3D printing an entire artificial human organ is only five to ten years off. That alone is pretty bonkers, science-wise, and could save many lives. But why stop there? Once you start talking about manufacturing body parts, the inevitable lurking question is: Can we go beyond just mimicking biology to make technologically improved humans?   
At least one scientist, Ibrahim Ozbolat from the University of Iowa, believes that 3D bioprinting will pave the road to this posthuman future. "There might be some brand new organ that doesn't exist in the human body, but it can be transplanted in the human body to enhance the functionality," Ozbolat said in an interview with HuffPost Live this week.
In other words, simply replacing failed organs is thinking small. Bioprinted enhanced organs—or artificial ones that don’t exist in nature—can be engineered to perform specific, useful functions, such as treating disease.

You can bioprint "an organ that is going to be part of the human body and generate electricity that can run the heart."​

Already, a 3D-printed artificial pancreas that can regulate glucose levels in diabetic patients is being developed at the University of Iowa’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology Group, which Ozbolat heads up.
But “bioprinting enhanced organs is different than our pancreatic organ printing project,” Ozbolat explained in an email. “Pancreas printing is for making an artificial pancreas to regulate glucose level in blood, not targeting at something better than a natural pancreas.”  
Enhanced, “superorgans” that improve upon nature could open the door to a new era of personalized medicine. Speaking to HuffPost Live, Ozbolat said bioprinting could be used to create an organ that can generate electricity in the human body. An electrogenic organ could power electronic implants, like pacemakers, without the need for batteries.
"The pacemaker runs with batteries, and when the battery needs to be replaced, surgery is needed," he said. You can prevent that by printing "an organ that is going to be part of the human body and generates electricity that can run the heart."
Whaaat. Let’s back up a sec. The gist of 3D bioprinting is that you start with a bio “ink” harvested from stem cells or human cells, and feed that ink through a printer that's programmed to assemble the cells to construct three dimensional tissue structures. Already, scientists have printed swaths of organ tissue; they imagine being able to print entire organs in the not too distant future.

Read the rest of this article at - http://motherboard.vice.com/read/3d-bioprinters-could-make-enhanced-electricity-generating-superorgans