Feb 24, 2015

Are Chemtails Hiding, or Attracting Localized Unidentified Objects?

Fascinating stuff by the resident camera/telescope expert Crrow777.  He seems to find lots of these things in relation to chemtrails.  Makes me think those with cameras might want to look a little closer, even if they sky is suffering a "white out" from plane's spraying.  The second video takes time to point out the modern history of the spraying and some of the more important patents registered that demonstrate the technology has long been prepared and in place for what's happening today.

Many followers asked me to break this object, near chemtrails, down as it was noticed in footage I posted yesterday. I have no idea what it is.Please follow my articles on the Examiner.com and click the link below to subscribe the author. I will send notifications as new articles are published.

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The time to argue that chemtrails are not real has passed. Doing so simply means you are uninformed. Not only are chemtrails being sprayed daily around the planet but this has been going on for decades now. Film - post - do something to sand up against this global crime! Here is the link mentioned in this clip that will allow anyone to get educated on the history of chemtrails. I chose this link as it is a good one-stop factual and educational link.

Please follow my articles on the Examiner.com and click the link below to subscribe the author. I will send notifications as new articles are published.
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If you would like to support the Crrow Discovery Project, please use the PayPal link below:
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr...